ebay - This is not a _______ .
In an effort to bring the large scale e-tailer back to broadcast advertising, we developed three emotionally driven spots for early 2016. Each commercial helped reposition ebay as not just a place to buy "stuff" but as a destination for the important things that enable life moments.
Role: Creative Lead/ Art Director
This Is Not A Yoga Mat
This Is Not A Golf Club
This Is Not Camping Gear
Agency Credits:
Ronald Ng - CCO
Eric Dean - ECD
Carlos Ricque - SVP CD
Nick Barrios - GCD
Paul Bjork - CD
Thomas Cordner - ACD
Peter McCann - Head of Production
Chris Kyriakos - Producer
Production Credits:
David Frankham - Director, Smuggler
Jason Sager - Editor, WAX
Sound Lounge
Method Studios